How does the festival TodaysArt in the Hague contribute to the goals and objectives of the European Union's Creative Europe programme?
Sylvia Pen (Student); B.C. van der Sluijs
A verification framework for business rules management in the Dutch Government context
Koen Smit; Martijn Zoet (Lector); Matthijs Berkhout
Complexity-predictability project diagnosis model
Boonstra, Albert; Reezigt, Cees (Organisational Design And Change)
Observing abstraction in young children solving algorithmic tasks
Faber, Hylke (Diversity In Learning And Behavior); Boltjes-Koning, Josina; Wierdsma, Menno; Steenbeek, Henderien; Barendsen, Erik; Pozdniakov, S; Dagienė, V
Determining the ideal length of spontaneous speech fragments for predictive analysis
Roelant Ossewaarde (Onderzoeker); Roel Jonkers (Onderzoeker); Roelien Bastiaanse (Onderzoeker)
Opportunities and Pitfalls in Applying Emotion Recognition Software for Persons With a Visual Impairment: Simulated Real Life Conversations
Thea van der Geest; H.P. Buimer; R. Schellens; T. Kostelijk; A. Nemri; Y. Zhao; R.J.A. van Wezel
Speech and language therapists’ views on parents’ engagement in Parent–Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT)
Inge Klatte (Lid Lectoraat); Sam Harding; Sue Roulstone
Critical policy discourse analysis
Nicolien Montesano Montessori (Associate Lector); Michael Farrelly; Jane Mulderrig
Validation of the short assessment of health literacy (SAHL-D) and short-form development: Rasch analysis
Anke Woudstra; Corine Meppelink; Henk Pander Maat; Janke Oosterhaven (Lid Lectoraat); Mirjam Fransen; Alexandra Dima
Hospital Nurses’ Self-Reported Confidence in Their Telehealth Competencies
Thijs van Houwelingen (Lid Lectoraat); Roelof Ettema (Lid Lectoraat); Helianthe Kort (Lector); Olle ten Cate