Analyse van de balans en resultatenrekening van de verkoopafdeling Drive Technologies.
Thieu Mooren (Begeleider); Geerten Leune (Student)
Green growth: innovative capacity of sme's in the Dutch Greenhouse Horticulture Industry
dr. MBA S.J.M. (Saskia) Harkema (Lector); H.J. (Henk) Schout (Lid Lectoraat)
Ondernemender Er op af in de Sociale Sector
Paul Overvoorde (Lid Lectoraat)
Green networks: innovative capacity of sme's in the Dutch Greenhouse Horticulture Industry
H.J. (Henk) Schout (Lid Lectoraat); S.J.M. (Saskia) Harkema (Lector)
The role of Micro-equity financing in Enterprise Development: Zambia.
Edson Mweemba Chilala (Student); Hein Roelfsema (Begeleider)
Innovation Management of SMEs in the Creative Sector in Flanders and the Netherlands
Ysabel Nauwelaerts; Iris Hollaender (Lid Lectoraat)
Thesis Rabobank North America
Ruud Kuijpers (Student); Cathy Rau (Begeleider)
Prospering outside the region?
Bijleveld, P.C. (Paul) (Lector); Meer, H. (Han) van der (Lector); Meer, R. (Rosalien) van der (Researcher)
Sustainable Innovation in the Dutch Construction Industry
D. (Damon) Hassanpur Golriz (Lid Lectoraat); H.J. (Henk) Schout (Lid Lectoraat); S.J.M. (Saskia) Harkema (Lector)
The Applicability of the Marketing Concept to the Nonprofit Sector
Philipp Züllich (Begeleider); Jessica Gedamu (Student); Cornelia Horsch (Begeleider)