The Influence of the EU's Language Policy on the Language Policy of the Member States of the EU
Dave van Ginhoven (Begeleider); Marieke van Mil (Student)
Sustainability in Environmental Education: New Strategic Thinking
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)
Long-term analysis of geomagnetic disturbances
Bart Olsthoorn (Student); R.A. Mantel; D.D. Land
Barometer Zorgvastgoed
Veuger, Jan
Club-organised sport in Flanders/Belgium : a status quaestionis
Jeroen Scheerder; Hanne Vandermeerschen; Jeroen Meganck; Jan Seghers; Steven Vos (Lector)
Self administered soft tissue intervention to the plantar fascia and its immediate and short term effects on hamstring and lumbar spine ROM
Jaron Schnitzer (Begeleider); Nicholas Quinn (Student)
Migration of highly-educated Slovak nationals within the EU
Jedina Krc (Student); Enitsa M. Gabrovska (Begeleider)
Effecten van Sharing Economy op de samenleving en wonen
Mirjam Huffstadt (Begeleider); Laura Zuidgeest (Onderzoeker); K.E. Bugge (Begeleider)
Maatschappelijk Vastgoed
Veuger, Jan; van der Wal, Brenda