The diagnostic accuracy of clinical examination for estimating cardiac index in critically ill patients
SICS Study Group
Long-term infiltration performance evaluation of dutch permeable pavements using the full-scale infiltration method
Boogaard, Floris; Lucke, Terry
A stepwise science-industry collaboration to optimize the calculation of energy expenditure during walking and running with a consumer-based activity device
Joost Oomen; Dennis Arts; Michel Sperling; Steven Vos
Tracing New Safety Thinking Practices in Safety Investigation Reports
Karanikas, Nektarios; Chionis, Dimitrios
Transitioning the Transport and Land-use system
Switzer, Andrew (Lectoraat Coördinatie Grootstedelijke Vraagstukken); Bertolini, Luca; Grin, J.
Influence of resins in ground passenger car tire rubber on the devulcanization process : Proeftuin Recycling - Future Proof Polymers, project 395
Johannes W. van Hoek (Lid Lectoraat); Geert Heideman (Associate Lector); Yvette Verdonk; Wilma K. Dierkes (Lid Lectoraat)
Plasma citrulline concentration, a marker for intestinal functionality, reflects exercise intensity in healthy young men
Shirley Kartaram (Lid Lectoraat); Marco Mensink; Marc Teunis (Lid Lectoraat); Eric Schoen; Lonneke Janssen - Duijghuijsen; Martie Verschuren; Karin Mohrmann; Laura M'Rabet (Lid Lectoraat); Karen Knipping; Harriët Wittink (Lector); Andy van Helvoort; Johan Garssen; Renger Witkamp; Raymond Pieters (Lector); Klaske van Norren
Discussing patients’ insurance and out-of-pocket expenses during GPs’ consultations
Aafke Victoor (Onderzoeker); Janneke Noordman (Onderzoeker); Amy Potappel (Onderzoeker); Maartje C. Meijers (Onderzoeker); Corelien Kloek (Onderzoeker); Judith D. de Jong (Onderzoeker)
The articulation of 'the people' in the discourse of Podemos
Nicolien Montesano Montessori (Associate Lector); Esperanza Morales-López (Onderzoeker)
Leaving no one behind? Social inclusion of health insurance in low- and middle-income countries: a systematic review
Suzanne van Hees; T O'Fallon; M Hofker; Maria Dekker; S Polack; LM Banks; EJAM Spaan