Contemporary fashion brands
Yoshka Stooker (Student); J.E. Schröder
Sexual abuse and exploitation in UN peacekeeping operations
Cecilia Passaniti (Student); M. (Mihaela) Anghel
Social media strategy – Paleis Hotel
Daan Ton (Student); Wil M.J. van Leeuwen
The new generation in the Greek crisis
Shalini Bhairosingh (Student); Nathalie H.H.M. Schwan
PETA : restoring brand equity after a scandal
Argyll E. Kemp (Student); Jonneke F.M. de Koning
Climate decision-making and animal group decision-making
Gracia Mambeke (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon
Counterterrorism in the European Union
Heleen van Weers (Student); Rebekah Tromble
Doping affairs among professional athletes
Stéphanie Jansen (Student); Jonneke F.M. de Koning
Online vs. offline shopping and the consumer in the fast-fashion industry
Valerie L. Krisman (Student); L.J. Harris
European Renewable Energy: Applying circular economy thinking to policy-making
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)