Res Publica ex Machina: On Neocybernetic Governance and the End of Politics
Maschewski, Felix; Nosthoff, Anna-Verena
Learning student-teachers to orchestrate a classroom discussion for reasoning
Abrantes Garcêz Palha, Sonia (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); van Smaalen, Daan (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo))
Does sensorimotor incongruence trigger pain and sensory disturbances in people with chronic low back pain?: a randomized cross-over experiment
S. Don; M. Venema; M. de Kooning; B. van Buchem; J. Nijs; L.P. Voogt
The controllability classification of safety events and its application to aviation investigation reports
Karanikas, Nektarios; Nederend, Jeffrey
Establishing Typologies for Diverging Career Paths through the Life Course: A Comparison of two Methods
Román, Amelia (Amsib (Cedis)); Mortelmans, Dimitri; Heylen, Leen
Seven years of plenty? Learning at, with, through, from and for the FabLab at Hogeschool Rotterdam
Peter Troxler (Lector); Manon Mostert-van der Sar (Onderzoeker)
Trends and developments in the renewable energy sector in Ukraine
Bazen, J.C. (Jacques) (Researcher); Bazen, I.S. (Irina Sergeevna) (Researcher); Elbersen, W. (Wolter) (Researcher); Klink, H. (Hans) van (Researcher); Lesschen, J.P. (Jan Peter) (Researcher)
Demographic transition, unbalanced population decline and their influence on social support systems for elderly in the North of the Netherlands
Bulder, Elisabeth (Living Environment In Transition)
Safeguarding young people in care - online course
Riss Hansen, Gitte; Moller-Jensen, Bente; Boendermaker, Leonieke (Lectoraat Jeugdzorg)
The role of imagination in emergent career agency
Heidi Muijen (Onderzoeker); Reinekke Lengelle (Lid Lectoraat); F.J.M. (Frans) Meijers (Lid Lectoraat); W.L. Wardekker (Onderzoeker)