Workshop Robotisation for Lean Assembly 2023-06-08
Andras Ligeti (Onderzoeker)
Workshop Mens-Machine teaming 2023-10-12
Menno Herkes (Onderzoeker); Mitchell van Roij (Onderzoeker); Marcella Hoogeboom; Stephan Corporaal; Engin Topan
Workshop Grip op productvarieteit 2023-11-02 - van ETO naar CTO (Design Structure Matrix)
Tim Wilschut; Wilfred Knol
Workshop Opstarten Obeya 2023-11-16
Stef Tiggeloven (Onderzoeker)
Minisymposium Optimale Werkinstructies 2023-06-27
Jannes Slomp; Andras Ligeti
Introducing DACAR: A Process Mapping Tool to Uncover Robotization Implications in Manufacturing
Mitchell van Roij (Onderzoeker)
Using a systems approach to model a process digital twin
Menno Herkes (Onderzoeker); Gerlinde Oversluizen (Onderzoeker)
Lean in the Classroom
Vincent Wiegel
Skilled enough?! How motor developed are students?
Tijn van de Wiel (Student); Frank de Kok (Begeleider)
Factors influencing effective learning in instructional skill training for vocational instructors : learning for change : a case of Training Institute for Technical Instruction (TITI), Bhaktapur, Nepal
Neupane, S.K. (Student); Koucher, A.; Witteveen, L.