Adverse effects of anxiety on attentional control differ as a function of experience
Gotardi, Gisele; Polastri, Paula F.; Schor, Paulo; Oudejans, R.D.; van der Kamp, John; Savelsbergh, Geert J.P.; Navarro, Martina; Rodrigues, Sérgio T.
Training for the job: evaluation of a self-defence training programme for correctional officers
Koedijk, Matthijs; Renden, Peter G.; Oudejans, Raôul R.D. (Faculteit Bewegen, Sport En Voeding); Hutter, R. I. (Vana)
De keuzes van gemeenten om tot een uitgevoerde hemelwatermaatregel te komen
Fluitman, J. (Student); Oudejans, R. (Student); Groenhuijzen, P.F.; Smit, P.
Motor and gaze behaviors of youth basketball players taking contested and uncontested jump shots
Van Maarseveen, Mariette J. J.; Oudejans, Raôul R. D.
In situ examination of decision-making skills and gaze behaviour of basketball players
Van Maarseveen, Mariette J.J.; Savelsbergh, G.; Oudejans, R.
Self-controlled video feedback on tactical skills in soccer teams results in more active involvement of players.
Van Maarseveen, Mariette J.J.; Oudejans, Raoul; Savelsbergh, G.
Athletes’ Body Talk: The Role of Contextual Body Image in Eating Disorders as Seen Through the Eyes of Elite Women Athletes
de Bruin, A.P. (Karin); Oudejans, Raôul R.D.
Perceptual-cognitive skill and the in situ performance of soccer players
van Maarseveen, Mariëtte J.J.; Oudejans, Raôul R.D.; Mann, David L.; Savelsbergh, Geert J.P.
Sitting duck or scaredy-cat
Nieuwenhuys, Arne; Weber, Jeroen; van der Hoeve, Roy; Oudejans, Raôul R.D.
Anxiety and performance
Nieuwenhuys, Arne; Oudejans, Raôul RD