Young starting entrepreneurs in the equine industry : research into the opportunities for young starting entrepreneurs in the equine industry in the Northeast of the Netherlands
Roggen, S. (Student); Oijen, M. van
Opsta detectie : automatisch remsysteem voor op handbewogen rolstoelen
Rochus van der Doef (Begeleider); Antonet van Oijen (Student); Chantal van der Gulik (Student)
2e Prijs H/Link Afstudeerprijs 2011Description of the LINTUL-POTATO crop growth model
van Haren, R.J.F. (Biorefinery); Van Oijen, M.A.; Leffelaar, P.A.; Haverkort, A.J.
Analyses of the effects of potato cyst nematodes (Globodera pallida) on growth, physiology and yield of potato cultivars in field plots at three levels of soil compaction
Oijen, M van; Ruijter, F J; van Haren, Rob (Biorefinery)
Modelling the interaction between potato crops and cyst nematodes
van Oijen, M.; de Ruijter, F.J.; van Haren, R.J.F. (Biorefinery)