Brand in veestallen : onderzoek naar de omvang, ernst, oorzaken, preventie- en bestrijdingsmogelijkheden van brand in rundvee-, varkens- en pluimveestallen
Looije, M. (Student); Smit, M. (Student); Dijkstra, B.; Vogelzang, I.
Promoting democracy in the Middle East : a critical analysis of the United States policy and its potential results in Iraq
G. W. Lord (Begeleider); Magdalena Suchon (Student)
Pastoralists susceptibility to HIV infection: a study based on Shindle District, Somali, Region, Ethiopia
Gebremariam, T.A. (Student); Koucher, A.
Value, Valuation, and Valorisation
Daan Andriessen (Lector)
Dealing with danger and stress
J.F.M.W. Extra