Possibility of improving income of small-holder pig farmers through value chain development : an impact study of Thika Pork Centre value chain in Thika District, Kenya
Gikonyo, S. (Student); Verschuur, C.M.
Risk assessment and risk management of ESBL introduction and spread in pigs in Agroparks in the Netherlands
Olde, E. de (Student); Oudel Luttikhuis, R.
Transportstromen van runderen, varkens en pluimvee in Europa
Kruize, B. (Student); Pompe, V.M.M.; Vogelzang, E.M.
Transportstromen van runderen, varkens en pluimvee in Europa: hoe lopen deze veetransportstromen en waarom lopen ze zo?
Kruize, B. (Student); onbekend
An assessment of chain management practice within the industrial pork value chain: Beijing Ciity, China
Wenzhao, M. (Student); Verweij, F.M.
Using stakeholders view to develop strategy for pork supply chain in Imo State- Nigeria
Ngozi, U.A. (Student); Verschuur, M.
Ingrijpen bij ingrepen?!
Hijmans, D.L. (Student); Nugteren, K.T. (Student); Dobbelaar, M.C.A.; Pompe, V.M.M.
Monitoring body temperature and activity in sows using a sensor-based telemetric system
Erp-van der Kooij, E. van; Roelofs, J.B.; Johnson, J.S.; Hovden, D.; Noldus, L.P.J.J.