How Load Simultaneity Affects Sizing and Layout of Batteries Used to Prevent Grid Overloading
van Someren, Christian (Energy Transition And Networks); Visser, Martien (Energy Transition And Networks); Slootweg, Han
Living comfortably with heat in Australia – preferred indoor temperatures and climate zones
Joost van Hoof; Sarah Carter; Kerstin K. Zander; Stephen T Garnett
Kennissessie: Energietransitie thuis - nu doorpakken of nog even wachten?
van der Laan, Marten; Tromp, Edrick
Mapping spatial opportunities for urban climate adaptation measures in public and private spaces using a GIS-based Decision Support Model
Roest, Allard; Weitkamp, Gerd; Van den Brink, Margo; Boogaard, Floris
European Researchers Night School Visits
Roest, Allard; Koning, Joey; Koops, Sterre
Het Airco Hybride concept voor verduurzaming van woninginstallaties
Kurstjens, Dirk (Systeemintegratie In De Energietransitie); Oudman, René; de Mooij, Jack
Klimaatadaptieve fietsexcursie Amsterdam KIVI
Boogaard, Floris
Practices and dynamics of community-led heating projects
van der Schoor, Tineke; Van der Windt, Henny J.
Enzavu heat pump prototype test and analysis
Kurstjens, Dirk (System Integration In The Energy Transition)
Warmtepomp en/of/tot warmtenet?
Kurstjens, Dirk