Hoe bereik je als podcastmaker een jonge doelgroep?
Niek de Bruijn (Student)
Physical rehabilitation interventions in children with acquired brain injury
Gmelig Meyling, Christiaan; Verschuren, Olaf; Rentinck, Ingrid R; Engelbert, Raoul H H (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Gorter, Jan Willem
Not ‘culture’ as Hofstede assumed, but ‘context’ is the software of the mind
Nguyen-Phuong-Mai, Mai
Stakeholder engagement from problem analysis to implementation strategies for a patient-reported experience measure in disability care
Marjolein van Rooijen; Stephanie von Helden-Lenzen (Lid Lectoraat); Ruth Dalemans (Lid Lectoraat); Sandra Beurskens; Albine Moser (Lid Lectoraat)
Beta talent
Graaf, J.W. (Jan Willem) de (Lector); Vecht-Bekkema, T. (Trea) van der (Lectoratemember); Hurkens, M. (Marcel); Gerretsen, A. (Annefieke) (Researcher)
Seminar Sino-Dutch Business Development
Graaf, JW (Jan Willem) de (Lector); Vecht-Bekema, T. (Trea) van der (Lectoratemember); Ankersmit, W (Wieke) (Staffmember); Steltenpool, R.G. (Ruud) (Researcher)
Paper' 'Emogram
Os , G (Gerard) van (Researcher)
ADHD and the power of generalization
te Meerman, Sanne; Freedman, Justin; Batstra, Laura; Grietens, Hans; Hoekstra, Rink; Batstra, Laura; Grietens, Hans
Why ADHD is not a brain disorder and how we keep suggesting it is: the problem of reification
te Meerman, Sanne
Conscious and non-conscious perception and action in musical performance
Harris, Robert; de Jong, Bauke; Herbert, Ruth; Clarke, David; Clarke, Eric