Zocht je misschien: production?
When sheep trust the shepherd
J. Snoek (Begeleider); J. Bruinsma- de Beer (Begeleider); Beate J. van Vliet (Student)
Het Enrica Lexie-incident
J.E.D. Voetelink; M.D. Fink
Will UNCLOS last throughout the upcoming 'Cold Rush' in the Arctic?
Joyce Boekestijn (Student); M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider)
The Hungarian Fundamental Law
Brigitte Willems (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)
Microfinanciering, als iedereen meedoet wordt het en(i)g
Klaas Molenaar (Lector)
Libya, Syria and the responsibility to protect
F.M. Termes (Begeleider); Esther Bijl (Student)
Civic Integration in the Netherlands : a New Approach towards Citizenship
Jeanine Klaver (Lid Lectoraat); Arend Odé (Lid Lectoraat)
The position of the Dublin Regulation within a Common European Asylum System
Tineke (C.) W. Dannenberg (Student); M. (Marjo) van den Haspel (Begeleider)
Textiles for protection at the workplace
Bottenberg, E. (Eliza) (Researcher); Brinks, G.J. (Ger) (Lector); Luiken, A. (Anton) (Researcher)
The Frisian dykes and their touristic and recreational offers
Yang, Mohan; Meerkotter, Hendrik; Koch, Ronald; Revier, Hans