12th coastal conference Littoral 2014
Boogaard, Floris; Revier, Hans; de Beer, Hans; Boer, Eric
Youth involvement in the decision-making process in charitable organizations in Bulgaria through social media
Ivonne Louw-Dekker (Begeleider); Gergana Gergova (Student)
Turning customers into promoters of the brand
Rolf Tjalsma (Student)
Expensive, Cold and Dangerous
Marjolein Kopomans (Begeleider); Danielle Wopereis (Student)
Dysfunctional Nations and Rising Cities
Aniek D.M. Poelhekke (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)
U.O. : Urban Outfitters Inc.
Agota Szabo (Begeleider); Kadra Mohammed (Student)
Bridging the KAP-gap in global education
Martin de Wolf (Docent)
A Method for Indexing Axiomatic Independence Applied to Recongfigurable Manufaturing Systems
Edwin Smulders; Jan Gerritsen (Lid Lectoraat); Bert van Huijgevoort (Lid Lectoraat); Erik Puik (Lector); Darek Ceglarek
Climate (Ex)Change
Revier, Hans; Boer, Eric
Exploring drivers of change and cluster dynamics
Manickam, Anu (International Business)