Informatie update energietransitie
Heijne, Leo; Pierie, Frank
Automotive the future of mobility
F.G. Rieck; C. Machielse; J.H.R. van Duin
Improving the sustainability of farming practices through the use of a symbiotic approach for anaerobic digestion and digestate processing
Pierie, Frank (Energy Transition); D'Souza, Austin (New Business & Ict); van Someren, Christian; Benders, René M.J.; van Gemert, Wim; Moll, Henri C.
Arts & Crafts, Panarchy power
van Haren, Rob; Starmann, Irmgard; Verheijden, Bob; Punt, Robin
Festivalgras op Noorderzon
Conner, Menno
The right to food in international law with case studies from the Netherlands and Belgium
Bart Wernaart (Docent); Bernd M.J. van der Meulen
Practicing active non-activeness in the facilitation of arts-based environmental education
van Boeckel, Jan (Art & Sustainability)
Sustainable opportunity map for the technical department of Sweco
R. Lemmens (Begeleider); J. Schut (Student); Richard Koops (Begeleider)
Measuring the Dutch clothing mountain
Maldini, I (Irene) (Researcher); Duncker, L (Laura) (Researcher); Bregman, L (Lidian) (Student); Piltz, G (Gunilla) (Student); Duscha, L (Lisa) (Student); Cunningham, G (Gwen) (Researcher); Vooges, M (Marc) (Researcher); Grevinga, T.H. (Theresia) (Researcher); Tap, R (Rens) (Researcher); Balgooi, F (Fioen) van (Researcher)
ROVs @Hanze Hogeschool Groningen!
Boogaard, Floris