Zocht je misschien: zitten, zoeken, chronic, chronische?
Knowledge and perspectives of Dutch home healthcare nurses regarding medication frequently used by older people
Marieke Schuurmans (Lector); Carolien Sino (Lid Lectoraat); Aukje Munnik (Lid Lectoraat)
Medication Management in Homecare Patients
Carolien Sino (Lid Lectoraat)
Recognizing new perspectives in eating difficulties following stroke
Marianne E. Klinke; Margaret E. Wilson; Thóra Hafsteinsdóttir; Helga Jónsdóttir
In-hospital risk prediction for post-stroke depression
Janneke de Man-van Ginkel; Thóra Hafsteinsdóttir; Eline Lindeman; Roelof Ettema; Diederick Grobbee; Marieke Schuurmans
Time Use of Stroke Patients with Stroke Admitted for Rehabilitation in Skilled Nursing Facilities
Chantal Vermeulen; Bianca Buijck; John van der Stegen; Monica Spruit-van Eijk; Raymond Koopmans; Thóra Hafsteinsdóttir
Remedy : Remote Medical Gateway
Michiel van der Weiden (Begeleider); Vincent Groenewegen (Student)
De behandeling van ondervoeding op drie afdelingen van de volwassenenzorg van het HagaZiekenhuis
Saskia A.M. Nieuwenhuis (Student); Suzanne van Steijn (Begeleider)
Endogenous sex hormones and subclinical atherosclerosis in middle-aged and older men
Marieke Schuurmans (Lector); Michiel Bots; Judith Brandt; Marjolein den Ouden; Yvonne van der Schouw
Kennedy Axis V: Clinimetric properties assessed by mental health nurses
F. Gooskens; R. van de Sande (Docent); M.D.M. Faay; Thóra Hafsteinsdóttir (Lid Lectoraat)
Exploring the expectations, needs and experiences of general practitioners and nurses towards a proactive and structured care program for frail older patients: a mixed-method study
Valerie ten Dam; Mattijs Numans; Bas Steunenberg (Lid Lectoraat); Niek de Wit; Marieke Schuurmans (Lector); Irene Drubbel; Nienke Bleijenberg