People, Place and Energy. Mapping Spatial and Landscape Consequences of the Hydrogen Economy
van Dam, Kim ; van Spijk, Alex
Second International Conference New Pathways for a Just and Inclusive Energy Transition
van der Schoor, Tineke
Negotiating Dutch citizen-led district heating projects
van der Schoor, Tineke; van der Windt, Henny
Views of older people on environmental sustainability: The development of the SustainABLE-16 Questionnaire
Jeroen Dikken; Joost van Hoof; Jan K. Kazak; Veronica Soebarto
The positive financial and sustainability business case (Pos-FSBC)
Albert Kraaij (Onderzoeker)
Energy Transition in the Northern Netherlands: seeking a balance between top-down and bottom-up initiatives
Psarra, Ifigeneia
Let us slow down: Artistic research in times that are urgent
van Boeckel, Jan
DISTENDER annual meeting
Koops, Sterre; de Jong, Lotte