Supporting teacher and school leader careers: A Policy Guide
Grainger Clemson, Hannah; Allen, Jonathan; Snoek, Marco (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Hens, Liesbeth; Livingston, Kay; Laugesen, Hans
Preparing undergraduate students for clinical work in a complex environment
Major, Mel E. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Ramaekers, Stephan P. J. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Engelbert, Raoul H. H. (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality); Van der Schaaf, Marike (Centre Of Expertise Urban Vitality)
Patient involvement in interprofessional education
Sjim Romme (Student); Matthijs Bosveld (Student); Marloes Amantia van Bokhoven (Phd); Jascha de Nooijer (Phd); Hélène van den Besselaar (Phd); Jerôme van Dongen (Lid Lectoraat)
Entrepreneuring a regenerative society
K.A. (Kim) Poldner (Lector)
Analysis of banana value chain in Ethiopia
Gebre, G.G.; Eweg, H.P.A. (Lector); Kijne, A. (Onderzoeker)
On language teachers and CLIL
Dale, E.M. (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Oostdam, Ron; Verspoor, Marjolein
Changes in inflammation and musculoskeletal tissue-derived biomarker serum levels in response to high- and low-intensity resistance training in individuals with knee osteoarthritis
Jansen, N.E.; Engstrøm, A.; Thudium, C.S.; Bay-Jensen, A-C.; de Zwart, A.H.; Dekker, J.; Lems, W.F.; Gerritsen, M.; van Spil, W.E.; Jaspers, R.T.; Turkstra, F.; van der Leeden, M.; van der Esch, M. (Lectoraat Interdisciplinaire Zorg Voor Chronische Gewrichtsaandoeningen)
A case study of Pungdzong dairy farmers group
Ugyen, P. (Student); Oude Luttikhuis, W.M.T. (Docent)
Focus group study on mechanical in- exsufflation in invasively ventilated intensive care patients
Stilma, W. (Faculteit Gezondheid)
Participatory Design of Persuasive Technology in a Blended Learning Course
Engelbertink, M.M.J. (Monique) (Researcher); Kelders, S.M. (Saskia) (Professor); Woudt-Mittendorff, K.M. (Kariene) (Lector); Westerhof, G.J. (Gerben) (Professor)