If a Tree Falls and Everybody Hears the Sound: Teaching Deep Ecology to Business Students
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)
The value of waste
van Dartel, Michel; Nigten, Anne
12th coastal conference Littoral 2014
Boogaard, Floris; Revier, Hans; de Beer, Hans; Boer, Eric
Future Friendly Learning Lab, Contribute to the acceleration of the transition towards a Future Friendly Living environment by increasing the impact of (pilot) projects
Cyrille Gijbbels-Janssen (Lid Lectoraat); Remko Lugt, van der (Lector)
Sustainability of biogas production from biomass waste streams
van Someren, Christian
Connecting higher education, business and research to develop a future educational ecosystem
R.A. Adboel (Docent); S.R.G. Kawarmala (Docent); I. Verwaal (Docent)
Dysfunctional Nations and Rising Cities
Aniek D.M. Poelhekke (Student); P.G. (Paul) Nixon (Begeleider)
U.O. : Urban Outfitters Inc.
Agota Szabo (Begeleider); Kadra Mohammed (Student)
Christmas tale of (un)sustainability: reflecting on consumption and environmental awareness on the streets of Amsterdam
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)
Sustaining International Partnerships: The European Master of Science Programme in Occupational Therapy, a Case Study
Ilott, Irene; Kottorp, Anders; la Cour, Karen; van Nes, Fenna; Jonsson, Hans; Sadlo, Gaynor