Faciliterende en belemmerende factoren voor fysieke activiteit bij kinderen met Spina Bifida
Kayleigh Kef
Construct validity of functional capacity tests in healthy workers
Jorna-Lakke, Sandra (Ageing And Allied Health Care); Soer, Remko; Geertzen, Jan; Wittink, H.; Douma, Rob (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Reneman, M.F.
Are grown-ups with congenital heart disease willing to participate in an exercise program?
Dontje, Manon L.; Feenstra, Marlies; de Greef, Mathieu; Nieuwland, Wybe; Hoendermis, Elke S.
Determinants of seeking psychosocial care in Dutch men with prostate cancer
Dr. A.Ph. Visser (Lid Lectoraat); MSc L. Daeter (Student)
Using electronic medical records analysis to investigate the effectiveness of lifestyle programs in real-world primary care is challenging: a case study in diabetes mellitus.
Wolfgang Viechtbauer; M. Spigt; Joris Linmans; Tjarco Koppenaal (Docent); J.A. Knottnerus
Provocative Pedagogy
dr. Gerdien Bertram-Troost; prof. dr. Siebren Miedema; dr. Ina Ter Avest (Lector)
Headquarters anonymous
G.G. de Valk; R. Lindelauf; N.W.A. Timmermans
Cross-cultural adaptation and measurement properties of the Brief Illness Perception Questionnaire-Dutch Language Version
Carin Schröder; François Maissan (Lid Lectoraat); Edwin de Raaij (Lid Lectoraat); Jan Pool (Lid Lectoraat); Harriët Wittink (Lector)
Belemmerende en faciliterende factoren voor fysieke activiteit bij gezonde kinderen van 4 t/m 18 jaar
Claudia van Mechelen
De Tweede Wereldoorlog en statusverwerving.
Jasper van Houten; M. Visser; W. Ultee