Student nurses' perceptions of mental health care: Validation of a questionnaire
van der Heijden, Alex; van der Bijl, Jaap; Latour, Corine H.M. (Faculteit Gezondheid); Hoekstra, Hanneke; van Meijel, Berno
Jane Jacobs and creative cities
Roy van Dalm; D. Jacobs
The Future of a Promise
Emma Mulders (Student); W.B. van Dam (Begeleider)
The development and validation of a five factor model of sources of self-efficacy in clinical nursing education
Prof. Dr. Rene Schalk; Dr. Wouter Reynaert (Lector); Dr. Johan Braeken; Drs. Henk Gloudemans (Docent)
Views of Students on Learning with Technologies in Dutch Education and Training
Jeroen Bottema (Lid Lectoraat); Pieter Swager (Lid Lectoraat)
Collectief leren door docenten als stimulans voor succesvolle onderwijsvernieuwing
Nanda Lodders (Lid Lectoraat)
Krachtige leeromgeving: relatie met self-efficacy
Drs. Henk Gloudemans (Docent); Dr. Wouter Reynaert (Lector); Prof. Dr. Rene Schalk
Developing ethnic talent in the Dutch national tax administration
Glastra, Folke J.; Meerman, Martha
Incorporating social media tools for migrant homeland development.
Fon Bruno (Begeleider); Elvira Joldersma (Begeleider); Celina Taboko Eno (Student)
Why students withdraw or continue their educational careers
Cyrille A.C. van Bragt (Docent); Anouke W.E.A. Bakx (Lector); Peter J. Teune (Lector); Theo C.M. Bergen; Marcel A. Croon