Generalized hyperalgesia in children and adults diagnosed with hypermobility syndrome and Ehlers‐Danlos syndrome hypermobility type: a discriminative analysis
M.C. Scheper; V. Pacey; L. Rombaut; R.D. Adams; L. Tofts; L.L. Nicholson; R.H. Engelbert
Explaining the relationship between firm performance and corporate governance of Dutch non-life insurance companies
Lambalk, Sebastiaan; de Graaf, Frank Jan (Lectoraat Corporate Governance & Leadership)
Indicatie voor strabismuschirurgie bij kinderen met een intermitterende exotropie
Vera van Uum (Student); Sjieuwke Koorevaar (Student)
Relationship between the presence of baccalaureate-educated RNs and quality of care
R. Backhaus; E. Capezuti; H. Verbeek; J.P. Hamers; F.E. Tan; E. van Rossum (Lector); R.J. Halfens
Informal care, employment and quality of life: Barriers and facilitators to combining informal care and work participation for healthcare professionals.
E. Heitink; Yvonne Heerkens; Josephine Engels
The acoustic breathiness index (ABI): A multivariate acoustic model for breathiness
Ben Barsties von Latoszek; Youri Maryn; Ellen Gerrits (Lector); Marc De Bodt
The effect of real-time vibrotactile feedback delivered through an augmented fork on eating rate, satiation, and food intake
Roel C. J. Hermans (Onderzoeker); Sander Hermsen (Lid Lectoraat); Eric Robinson (Onderzoeker); Suzanne Higgs (Onderzoeker); Monica Mars (Onderzoeker); Jeana H. Frost (Onderzoeker)
Immune-related and adverse drug reactions to low versus high initial doses of Viscum album L. in cancer patients
Friedemann Schad (Onderzoeker); Anja Thronicke (Onderzoeker); Antje Merkle (Onderzoeker); Harald Matthes (Onderzoeker); Megan L. Steele (Onderzoeker)
The Only Way is UP!
Welmoed Sinnema (Student); Babette van Hout (Student); Hubert Meulman; Andrea Witkam
Kwaliteit van leven bij borstkanker-gerelateerd lymfoedeem
Rianne Broersen (Student); Climmy Poll-Tjepkema