Do parenting practices moderate the association between the physical neighbourhood environment and changes in children’s time spent at various physical activity levels?
Sanne Gerards; Dave van Kann; Stef Kremers; Maria Jansen; Jessica Gubbels
Urban growth, and transportation in Kuala Lumpur
Shokoohi, Roya; Nikitas, Alexandros
Explyre “Connect through passions” Ondernemingsplan
Jelle van Oosten Slingeland (Student)
Do light sport facilities foster sports participation?
Julie Borgers; Bart Vanreusel; Steven Vos (Lector); Peter Forsberg; Jeroen Scheerder
Belgium (Flanders). Trends and governance in running
Julie Borgers; Steven Vos (Lector); Jeroen Scheerder
Design of a process evaluation of the implementation of a physical activity and sports stimulation programme in Dutch rehabilitation setting
Hoekstra, Femke; Alingh, Roelina; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Hettinga, Florentina; Duijff, Marjo; Dekker, Rienk; van der Woude, Lucas H.V.
Understanding the Nintendo Wii and Microsoft Kinect consoles in long-term care facilities
Hannah R. Marston; C.A: Greenlay; Joost van Hoof (Onderzoeker)
Student involvement in sports : strategic communication plan 2010-2011
E.C.J. Nieuweboer (Begeleider); Irene Aldersma (Student)
De toekomst is multifunctioneel! : een onderzoek naar de haalbaarheid en baten van multifunctionele kunstgrasvelden op wedstrijdniveau
Staelberg, N. (Student); Timmerman, D.