How can Dopper improve its position on the Belgian market?
Ahalya Ganesh (Student); Agota Szabo (Begeleider); J. Veldman (Begeleider)
Velde van de Joyce (Student); J. Veldman (Begeleider)
The Ampelmann DDT
Devin van Tuijll (Student); S.D. de Jong; T.J. Koreneef
Migration of highly-educated Slovak nationals within the EU
Jedina Krc (Student); Enitsa M. Gabrovska (Begeleider)
Detection of corrosion in the circumferential direction of pipelines using highly dispersive Lamb waves
K. Bol (Begeleider); R. Buning (Begeleider); Mick Hsu (Student)
Family in Focus: On Design and Field Trial of the Dynamic Collage [DC]
René Bakker; Koen van Turnhout; Jasper Jeurens
Encouraging Canadian Adolescents to Go on Exchange with AFS Interculture Canada
Carolina Wood (Begeleider); Julia Salven (Student)
"Looking over the dunes"
Jos (ed.) Walenkamp (Lector)
Philip's Animal Garden. Habitat for Rescued Animals.
Annalisa Gesterkamp (Student)
"Welcome to the area of freedom, security and justice"
Tessa Canters (Student); M. van Munster (Begeleider)