Testing the effectiviness of two methods for selectively trapping lionfish and estimating the feasibilty of a commercial lionfish fishery on Saba
Brokke, T. (Student); Veldman, R. (Student); Eerbeek, J. van; Heemstra, M.L.C.
Influence of environmental cycles on cetacean habitat use in the Azores
Martin, S.C. (Student); Bangma, O.E.; Dummer, I.
Implications of shared predation for space use in two sympatric leporids
Weterings, M.J.A. (Lid Lectoraat); Ewert, S.P. (Student); Peereboom, J.N. (Student); Kuipers, H.J. (Lid Lectoraat); Kuijper, D.J.P.; Prins, H.H.T.; Jansen, P.A.; Langevelde, F. van; Wieren, S.E. van
Microplastic in the gastrointestinal tracts of commercial North Sea species
Starkenburg, M. (Student); Swiers, A. (Student); Rippen, J.C.; Vries, R.E. de
Temporal variation in the occurrence of whale and dolphin species in the Azores from 2010 to 2017
Bron, A.M. (Student); Jansen, O.; Linde, M. van der
C. maenas predation on the R. philippinarum
S.T. Sisselaar (Student); Michel Trommelen (Begeleider); Bram Verkruysse (Begeleider); Jasper van Houcke (Begeleider)
Seasonal variability in growth of 0-group European flounder at the Balgzand intertidal in the western Dutch Wadden Sea
A.N. de Vries (Student); Anneke van den Brink (Begeleider); H. van der Veer (Begeleider)
The Voordelta as a transitional habitat for sandeel populations
B.V. Vanoverbeke (Student); I. Tulp (Begeleider); Tim van Oijen (Begeleider)
Minimising the livestock owner/wolf conflict in the Kresna gorge, Bulgaria
Wilpstra, H. (Student); Wintermans, J.A.
A diet study of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) based on spraint analysis
Hermsen, J. (Student); Maarseveen, A. van (Student); Strijkstra, A.M.; Heijer, M.E. den