Expressive vocabulary, morphology, syntax and narrative skills in profoundly deaf children after early cochlear implantation
Tinne Boons (Lid Lectoraat); van Wieringen; Jan Wouters; Louis Peeraer (Lector); Leo De Raeve; Margreet Langereis
Predictors of Spoken Language Development Following Pediatric Cochlear Implantation
Johan Frijns; Louis Peeraer (Lector); van Wieringen; Ingeborg Dhooge; Vermeulen; Jan Brokx; Tinne Boons (Lid Lectoraat); Eveline Wouters
Effect of pediatric bilateral cochlear implantation on language development
Tinne Boons (Lid Lectoraat); Birgit Philips; Vermeulen; Jan Brokx; Johan Frijns; Eveline Wouters; Louis Peeraer (Lector); van Wieringen
'Onder de knie': het effect van fysiotherapie op het activiteitenniveau bij revalidatie ACI
Gilian Rijnsaardt
Structural surface changes and inflammatory responses against alginate-based microcapsules after exposure to human peritoneal fluid
de Haan, Bart J; Rossi, Alessandra; Faas, Marijke M; Smelt, Maaike J; Sonvico, Fabio; Colombo, Paolo; de Vos, Paul
Weighing methods according to the WHO child growth standards
Ria van Kuijeren (Begeleider); Veronica Nilsson (Student); Rosemarijn de Jong (Begeleider)
Fear of exercise and health-related quality of life in patients with an implantable cardioverter defibrillator
van Ittersum, Miriam; de Greef, Mathieu; van Gelder, Isabelle; Coster, Jenifer; Brügemann, Johan; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)