The European Union and the LGBT community
Simon J.M. van der Burgt (Student); Kitty C.M. Triest (Begeleider)
Waarom zijn er meer homobladen voor mannen dan voor vrouwen?
Mark Hasperhoven (Begeleider); Thomas de Heide (Student)
Exploring discourses and actions of 'othering' homosexual citizens by officers of the Zambia Police service in Lusaka, Zambia
Sefuka, P. (Student); Witteveen, L.
Lesbian, gay and bisexual rights in the European Union
M.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider); Jule Dunemann (Student)
Jongerenwerk en homoseksualiteit
de Boer, Nico; Sonneveld, Jolanda; Abdallah, Sebastian; Heshmat Manesh, Sharog; Bos, Antoinette
Not gay enough for asylum : discrimination of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual refugees under the Common European Asylum System
Rebekka R. Leitlein (Student); Antje Grebner (Begeleider)