De klant als ambassadeur
Klapwijk, EW (Emma) (Student)
Using the organic label in Spanish wine marketing
Tardy, M. (Student); Medema, T.
Taking initiative; becoming a critical friend
Grit, Alexander (Entrepreneurship In Transition)
Becoming a Critical Friend
Grit, Alexander; Westhof, Jan-Daan
Öztürk, R (Reyhan) (Student)
The decisions of wannabe dog keepers in the Netherlands
Ophorst, C.S. (Docent); Bovenkerk, B.
Train the trainer; Critical Friend at Rijnland Institute
Grit, Alexander
KIEMkracht Critical Friendship Experience
de Beer, Erwin
Musician, friend and muse: an ethnographic exploration of emerging practices of musicians devising co-creative musicking with elderly people
Dons, Karolien; Bisschop Boele, Evert; Gaunt, Helena; Sloboda, John; Wise, Karen