The Antecedents of Appreciative Inquiry based Curriculum Design for achieving the Quintuple Helix Outcomes: The AI-5HM Model
Kia Goolesorkhi; Florentin Popescu; T. Mphela
What Drives Exploration? Convergence and Divergence of Exploration Tendencies among Alliance Partners and Competitors
Geert Duysters; Dovev Lavie; Anna Sabidussi; Uriel Stettner
Turnover among young adults in the hospitality industry
Michael Tews; Ankie Hoefnagels (Lector); Phillip Jolly; Kathryn Stafford
The Dutch Healthy Healthcare Project: Antecedents and Interventions to Facilitate Sustainable Work Ability Among Healthcare Workers
Annet de Lange; Karen Pak; Tinka van Vuuren; P. Dorssen; Eghe Osagie; Tjerry Verhoeven; Mirthe Pijnappels; S. van Neure
Towards a sustainable model of innovative work behaviors’ enhancement
Jol Stoffers (Lector); Beatrice van der Heijden; Ilse Schrijver (Lid Lectoraat)
Women’s empowerment in pregnancy and childbirth
Marianne Nieuwenhuijze (Lector); Patricia Leahy-Warren
Following in parental footsteps?
Bloemen-Bekx, Mira; Voordeckers, Wim; Remery, Chantal; Schippers, Joop
Talent emerging in Learning Communities, exploring the role of peers
van den Hul-Kuijten, Marielle (Diversity In Learning And Behavior)
Cleanliness unravelled: a review and integration of literature
Vos, Martijn; Galetzka, Mirjam; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); van Hagen, M.; Pruyn, Ad
Exploring cleanliness in the Dutch facilities management industry: a Delphi approach
Vos, Martijn; Galetzka, Mirjam; Mobach, Mark P. (Facility Management); van Hagen, M.; Pruyn, Ad