Meet-up boekpresentatie De Artistieke attitude
Coumans, Anke
Onderzoek in kunsteducatie
Bisschop Boele, Evert
"When the moment begins to heave and expand in great circles. Slowing down in times that are urgent", reflection and exercise
van Boeckel, Jan
International Seminar Imaginative Dialogues
Bisschop Boele, Evert
Green is Art Duurzaamheidsfestival Groningen
Boomsma, Laura; Elst, Judith van der; Wiarda, Frouke
Second Symposium Arts + Creative Domain
Martinez Caram, Agustin
The artistic attitude
Coumans, Anke
Action and design research for Master of Music students: Differences and similarities
van Beilen, Corinne
Case study research for Master of Music students: When to use it and why
van Beilen, Corinne