Assessing students' ability in performing scientific inquiry: instruments for measuring science skills in primary education
Kruit, Patricia M. (Faculteit Onderwijs En Opvoeding (Foo)); Oostdam, Ron J. (Kenniscentrum Onderwijs En Opvoeding); van den Berg, Ed; Schuitema, Jaap A.
Feasibility of Exercise Training in Cancer Patients Scheduled for Elective Gastrointestinal Surgery
Karin Valkenet (Lid Lectoraat); Jaap C.A. Trappenburg; Carlo C. Schippers; Lisa Wanders; Lidwien Lemmens; Frank Backx; Richard van Hillegersberg
Logistics drivers and barriers in urban agriculture
Levelt, Melika (City Net Zero); van der Schrier, Aleid; Cinà, Giuseppe; Dansero, Egidio
Digital printing of μPlasmas to selectively improve wetting behavior of functional inks for printed electronics
M.H.A. van Dongen (Docent); E. Nieuwenhuis (Onderzoeker); L. Verbraeken (Onderzoeker); R. verkuijlen (Lid Lectoraat); P. Ketelaars; J.P.C. Bernards (Lector)
Local Government and the Reform of Health and Social Care in the Netherlands
Klaartje Peters (Lid Lectoraat)