Measuring thesholds in collaboration decision between shipper and logistics service provider
Drs. Lenny Visser
Partner Features of Horizontal and Vertical Collaboration: an Empirical Analysis
Prof. Dr. Wout Dullaert; Dr. Genserik Reniers; Drs. Lenny Visser
Supplier Involvement in Purchasing Logistics Services
Drs L.J. Visser; Prof. Dr. W. Ploos van Amstel
Measuring the thresholds in decision making on outsourcing
Drs. Lenny Visser; Prof. Drs. Cees Ruijgrok
Logistics Collaboration between Shippers and Logistics Service Providers. Observations in the chemical industry
Drs. Lenny Visser
Potentieel logistieke samenwerking nog vaak onbenut
Drs. Lenny Visser
Collaboration decisions: complex decisions
Drs. Lenny Visser