Industriële Automatisering: een vreemde eend in de informaticabijt?
Ir Dick van Schenk Brill
New developments in IPD-projects
Ir. Dick van Schenk Brill; Ir. Krijn Kater
Two Models of Engineering Education. A first step on the way to Bologna?
Ir. Peter van Kollenburg; Ir. Dick van Schenk Brill
Two Models of Engineering Education for the Professional Practice
Ir. Dick van Schenk Brill,; Ir. Peter Boots; Ir. Peter van Kollenburg
Object Recognition by Contour Matching
Ir Peter Boots; Ir Dick van Schenk Brill
Innovative Engineering Experiences with Industrial Coeducation
Ir Dick van Schenk Brill; Ir Peter Boots
Motion Control with Vision
Ir Dick van Schenk Brill; Ir Peter Boots
Competences of an engineer : projects and competences in education
Ir. P.A.M. van Kollenburg (Docent); Ir. H.G.M. Geraedts (Docent); Ir. D. van Schenk Brill (Docent); Ir. K. Kater (Docent)
Collaborative engineering experiences
Ir. P.A.M. van Kollenburg (Docent); Dr. Ir. P. Mulders; Ir. D. van Schenk Brill (Docent); Dr. Ir. G. Schouten; Dr. J. Ochs
Integrated product development and experience of communication in education
H. Ihle; Ir. D. van Schenk Brill (Docent); Ir. P.A.M. van Kollenburg (Docent); Ir. H.E.V. Veenstra