From childhood to senior professional football
Haugaasen, Mathias; Toering, Tynke (Sports Science); Jordet, Geir
Masterclass kwetsbare ouderen 'interventies voor kwetsbare ouderen: wat doen we, wat werkt?'
van Abbema, Renske
Design of a process evaluation of the implementation of a physical activity and sports stimulation programme in Dutch rehabilitation setting
Hoekstra, Femke; Alingh, Roelina; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing); Hettinga, Florentina; Duijff, Marjo; Dekker, Rienk; van der Woude, Lucas H.V.
Examining the requirements for an intergenerational learning game
Antonia Ypsilanti; Tuula Ijäs; Teppo Räisänen; Matti Viitala; Donald Ropes (Lector); Ana B. Vivas
Using a Delphi technique to seek consensus regarding definitions, descriptions and classification of terms related to implicit and explicit forms of motor learning
Mark Wilson; Monique Lexis; Melanie Kleynen (Lid Lectoraat); Michel Bleijlevens; Anna Beurskens (Lector); Jos Halfens; Sascha Rasquin; Susy Braun (Lid Lectoraat); Rich Masters
Bridging social capital through sports: an explorative study on (improving) inter-ethnic contact at two soccer clubs in the Netherlands
Stijn Verhagen (Lector)
Zephyr BioHarness
de Jong, Johan; Nijland, Rick; de Vries, Astrid; Doeven, Steven; Brink, Michel
12th forum of the European Network of Sport Science, Education and Employment
Doeven, Steven; Brink, Michel
Natural leadership and flexible work principles in sport.
van Dalfsen, Gerco
Effective learning among elite football players
Toering, Tynke (Sports Science); Jordet, Geir; Ripegutu, Anders