Zocht je misschien: relationship?
Social exclusion of young homeless people:. The State of Affairs in the Netherlands. A preliminary study for the European research
Lia van Doorn (Lector); Peter Rensen; Anna van Deth
The improvement of social behaviour during Physical Education
Veronique Utens (Student); Liesbeth Jans (Begeleider)
Skilled enough?! How motor developed are students?
Tijn van de Wiel (Student); Frank de Kok (Begeleider)
Social Capital in Organizations.
M. Oteman
The Demise of Quality? Quality Newspapers and the Information Function of Libraries on the Brink of Collapse or Resurrection?
Kircz, Joost; den Boef, August Hans; Nijboer, Jelke
Epistemological beliefs, social status, and school preference: an exploration of relationships
C.J. de Brabander; J.S. Rozendaal
Open Source Software and Open Content: Interview met Jan Hylén
Lambert Berenbroek (Lid Lectoraat)
Redelijke sociale verhoudingen, redelijk sociaal gedrag
Prof. Dr. J.P. van Ewijk (Lector)
Personality and individual learning theories: a cross sectional study in the context of social-communicative training
Anouke W.E.A. Bakx (Lector); Johan M.M. van der Sanden; Yvonne J.M. Vermetten
Transformative business models for Dutch agrifood transition pathways
Beers, P.J. (Lector); Baeten, M. (Lid Lectoraat)