Online damage control: the effects of proactive versus reactive webcare interventions in consumer-generated and brand-generated platforms
G. van Noort; L.M. Willemsen (Lector)
What about that wrapper?
H.N. (Helen) Kopnina (Onderzoeker)
Drug-induced caspase 8 upregulation sensitises cisplatin-resistant ovarian carcinoma cells to rhTRAIL-induced apoptosis
Duiker, E.; van der Heij-Meijer, Annemieke; van der Bilt, A. R. M.; Meersma, G.J.; Kooi, N.; van der Zee, A.G.J.; de Vries, E.G.E.; de Jong, Steven
The influence of geographical resolution of urban exposure data in an earthquake loss model for Istanbul
Bal, Ihsan Engin; Bommer, Julian J.; Stafford, Peter J.; Crowley, Helen; Pinho, Rui
Is the Tinetti Performance Oriented Mobility Assessment (POMA) a feasible and valid predictor of short-term fall risk in nursing home residents with dementia?
C.S. Sterke; S.L. Huisman; E. van Beeck; C.W.N. Looman; T.J.M. van der Cammen
Classification of employment factors according to the International Classification of Functioning, Disability and Health in patients with neuromuscular diseases: a systematic review.
Marie-Antoinett van Minis; Yvonne Heerkens; Josephine Engels; R. Oostendorp; B. van Engelen
Een kleine stap voor de mens, een grote stap voor prothesesporters. Sporten met een onderbeenprothese en prothese-enkel.
Dymphy van der Wilk (Student); Lianne van Dijk (Begeleider)
Do the PvdA, the CDA and the VVD consider a European defence organisation as an addition to NATO, valuable and necessary?
Tamara C.E. Kipp (Student); F.M. Termes (Begeleider)
The Effects of Static Stretch Duration on the Length of Hamstring Muscles
Tom Melai (Begeleider); Simon Rogers (Student); Ida Brun Olden (Student); Kristin Thorsrud Dyrkorn (Student); Marjolijn Poppema (Begeleider)
Unity in Diversity : intercultural dialogue, an instrument for integration
Yvonne Lamers (Student); Klaasbert Moed (Begeleider)