Conexión No. 1 Workshop
van Boeckel, Jan
Communication on processed food relating to the way of eating and health
Verhoeven, M. (Student); Asperen, J. van (Student); Kloosterman, M. (Student); Huybers, S.; Roodenburg, A.
Reaching a stable customer base
Bogdan Hobjila (Student); Johan Weggemans (Docent); Arthur Bol (Begeleider)
Moving circular fashion from niche to mainstream: A case study of a multi-stakeholder collaboration to transform the textile industry in The Netherlands
van Wijk, Jakomijn (Centre For Economic Transformation (Cet)); van Hille, Iteke (Centre For Economic Transformation (Cet))
The Book Fair Game: teaching international rights trading in a shared module
Leighton, Rose (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Biesma, Lieke (Faculteit Digitale Media En Creatieve Industrie (Fdmci)); Silk, Polly
Customer understanding of convenience food packaging in the European Union
Matysiak, A. (Student); Qureshi, U.
Campus Greensteel
Bram van Vlijmen (Student)
Imagine the Future - Online Conference
Gorcester, Jeff
Innovating digitally
Helmer, Judith; Thuong Huynh, Thien-Minh; Rossano-Rivero, Sue; Lobacz, Katarzyna; Kör, Burcu (Amsib (Cedis)); Wakkee, Ingrid (Kenniscentrum Fbe)
Underway to zero-emission shipping with the aid of fuel cells
Cas Kluiters (Student); Arie de Groot (Docent); Jogchum Bruinsma (Begeleider)
Nominated for the HZ Stern 2022