First indication of the abundance and distribution of protected seagrass associated species in the introduced Halophila stipulacea meadows on Sint Eustatius
Weert, Y. van (Student); Wijk, D. van (Student); Rippen, J.C.; Stelwagen, T.
Syntactic predictors for text quality in Dutch upper‐secondary school students’ L1 argumentative writing
Jimmy van Rijt (Docent); Sven De Maeyer
"Never waste a good crisis" - Wegafsluitingen als catalysator voor gedragsverandering in stadslogistiek (?)
Rademakers, K-W.J.F. (Lectoraat Logistiek); Fung, C.; Heimissen, J.
Pupils' knowledge building as a co-constructed process; a quantitative approach.
Steenbeek, Henderien (Diversity In Learning And Behavior); de Ruiter, Naomi
Collaborating in Complexity
Daan Andriessen (Lector); Berit Godfroij (Lid Lectoraat); Kees Greven (Lid Lectoraat); Marieke Zielhuis (Lid Lectoraat)
Strategic HRM: it's all in the game
Collou, L.D. (Luuk) (Lector)
Inconsistent descriptions of lumbar multifidus morphology: A scoping review
Hofste, A (Anke) (Phd)
Inside-out sustainability
Meggie Williams; Bas van den Berg; Dana-Maria Dumea (Student)
The ethnic identity complexity of transculturally placed foster youth in the Netherlands
C.J. Degener; D. van Bergen; H. Grietens
COVID-19: onderschatting is ons grootste risico
Marnix Eysink Smeets (Lector)