Identifying constraints to formal market access by small-scale rice farmers in Ahero irrigation scheme, Kisumu county, Kenya
Tanui, J.K. (Student); Olde Luttinkhuis, R.
Onderwijs loopt voorop met smart farming technology
Nysten, S. (Docent); Os, G. van (Lector); Kocks, C.G. (Lector); Westerdijk, C.E. (Docent)
Discussion paper: Legitimacy of bottom-up planning: the need for facilitation of substantive discussions in planning processes
Levelt, Melika (City Net Zero); van Berkel, Fabi
Acoustic velocity measurements during production of Atlantic salmon post-smolt production in RAS
L. Kolarevic (Begeleider); L. Verstraeten (Student); Bram Verkruysse (Begeleider)
Lessons from spatial and environmental assessment of energy potentials for Anaerobic Digestion production systems applied to the Netherlands
Pierie, Frank (Energy Transition); Benders, René M.J.; Bekkering, Jan (Life Sciences & Renewable Energy); van Gemert, Wim; Moll, Henri C.
Smart urban farming
Slaats, Yanti
24th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition 2016
Pierie, Frank; Benders, René M.J.; van Gemert, Wim; Moll, Henri C.
Dieren, data en daredevils
Erp-van der Kooij, E. van (Lector)