Learning at the workplace and sustainable employability: a multi-source model moderated by age
Marjan Gorgievski; Annet de Lange; Beatrice van der Heijden
Learning at the workspace and sustainable employability: a multi source model moderated by age
Annet de Lange; Beatrice van der Heijden; Marjan Gorgievski
Sustainable employability in shiftwork: related to types of work schedule rather than age.
V. Peters; Josephine Engels; A.E. de Rijk; F.J. Nijhuis
Development of a Vitality Scan related to workers' sustainable employability: a study assessing its internal consistency and construct validity.
Livia Brouwers; Josephine Engels; Yvonne Heerkens; A.J. van der Beek
Getting insights and focusing action
Oldenhuis, Hilbrand
International dialogues amongst research and practice conference
Oldenhuis, Hilbrand; Polstra, Louis
Self-tracking devices and sustainable labour participation of older workers
Oldenhuis, Hilbrand; de Groot, Martijn; Pit, Yvonne; Polstra, Louis; Velthuijsen, Hugo
Healthy at Work Conference
Veth, Klaske
WELL-Med Conference 2014
Veth, Klaske
Gradual retirement schemes and older workers
Gellert, Franz Jozef; Velthuijsen, Hugo (New Business & Ict)