Why is it so difficult to prove that rapid response systems improve patient outcome? : Directions for further research
Hans van der Hoeven; B.G. Fikkers; Lisette Schoonhoven; Joke Mintjes; Friede Simmes
Interpersonal Community Psychiatric Treatment for non-psychotic chronic patients and nurses in outpatient mental health care : A controlled pilotstudy on feasibility and effects
Mascha Smit; A. Schene; B. van Meijel; A. Kaasenbrood; Giel Hutschemaekers; Bauke Koekkoek
Group climate and empathy in a sample of incarcerated boys
Peer van der Helm (Lector); G.J.J.M Stams (Onderzoeker); Jaap van der Stel (Onderzoeker); M.A.M. van Langen (Onderzoeker); P.H. van der Laan (Onderzoeker)
The dangers of inactivity; exercise and inactivity physiology for the manual therapist
Wittink, H.; Engelbert, R.; Takken, T.
Collaborative care for patients with bipolar disorder: a randomised controlled trial
T.Y.G. (Nienke) van der Voort; Berno van Meijel (Lector); P.J.J. (Peter) Goossens; Janwillem Renes; A.T.F. (Aartjan) Beekman; Ralph Kupka
The effectiveness of the Bobath concept in stroke rehabilitation what is the evidence?
Kollen, Boudewijn J; Lennon, Sheila; Lyons, Bernadette; Wheatley-Smith, Laura; Scheper, Mark; Buurke, Jaap H; Halfens, Jos; Geurts, Alexander C.H.; Kwakkel, Gert
The development of an evidence-based physical self-management rehabilitation programme for cancer survivors
van Weert, Ellen; Hoekstra-Weebers, Josette E H M; May, Anne M; Korstjens, Irene; Ros, Wynand J G; van der Schans, Cees (Healthy Ageing, Allied Health Care And Nursing)
Outcomes and effectiveness of pain treatment
D.B. Carr; Dr. H.M. Wittink (Lector)
Exploding the mythsTreatment Approaches Giving the Best Short-term and Long-term Effects on Pain, Strength, and ADL-function for Patients Diagnosed with Lateral Epicondylitis
Kristoffer Sæther (Student); Jon Inge Hamnebukt (Student); Sarah Kaum (Student); Jørgen Emaus (Student); Xander van Doorn (Begeleider); Marjolijn Poppema (Begeleider)
Chapter 1. Health Outcomes and Treatment Effectiveness in Pain Medicine.
D.B. Carr; Dr. H.M. Wittink (Lector); S. Strassels