Zocht je misschien: respondenten?
The transition to adulthood: a game changer? A longitudinal analysis of the impact of major life events on sport participation
Jasper van Houten; G. Kraaykamp; B. Pelzer
Voting barriers and solutions: the experiences of people with disabilities during the Dutch national election in 2017
Suzanne van Hees; HR Boeije; I de Putter
Teacher training for religious education
Cok Bakker (Lector); Ina ter Avest (Onderzoeker)
The importance of culture in the differences in perceived effectiveness of advertisements between Surinamese and Dutch individuals in the Netherlands
Emy Kartomo (Student); E.J. van Weperen
The International Institute for Animal Ethics' animal ethics training programme
René Williams (Student); E.J. van Weperen
Sweetening the deal
Douglas Meyer (Student); A.J. (Bert) van den Bergh
Student mental health crisis and self regulation theories
Jytte van Wijk (Student); A.J. (Bert) van den Bergh
Store environment of Van der Velde boekhandel Leeuwaarden
Mardjantie Stienstra (Student); E.J. van Weperen
An analysis on the marketing communication of the Dutch Ministry of Defence to attract high-educated women to work as an officer
Marije van Wetten (Student); Nicolien A. Ariëns
Understanding actor perspectives regarding challenges for integrated river basin management
Haan, R.J. de; Fliervoet, J.M. (Lid Lectoraat); Voort, M.C. van der