Beyond dichotomies: towards a more encompassing view of learning
Miranda Snoeren (Onderzoeker); Theo Niessen (Onderzoeker); T.A. Abma
Working towards integrated community care for older people: empowering organisational features from a professional perspective
Bienke Janssen (Onderzoeker); Miranda Snoeren (Onderzoeker); Tine Van Regenmortel; T.A. Abma
Werkdruk op de afdeling Geriatrie
G.C.M. Schep (Begeleider); Rianne Prins (Student); Nicoline van de Kamp (Student); Monica van Buren; Miranda van Rooijen (Student)
Physician substitution by mid-level providers in primary healthcare for older people and long-term care facilities: protocol for a systematic literature review
Marleen Lovink; A. Persoon; Anneke van Vught; R.T.C.M. Koopmans; Lisette Schoonhoven; Miranda Laurant
Implementation strategies to enhance management of heavy alcohol consumption in primary health care: a meta-analysis
MB do Amaral-Sabadini; P. Anderson; E. Kaner; D. Newbury-Birch; J Braspenning; M. Wensing; M. Heinen; Miranda Laurant; M. Keurhorst; I. van de Glind
Professional's Attitudes Do Not Influence Screening and Brief Interventions Rates for Hazardous and Harmful Drinkers: Results from ODHIN Study
P. Bendtsen; P. Anderson; M. Wojnar; D. Newbury-Birch; U Mussener; J Colom; N Karlsson; K Brzozka; F Spak; P. Deluca; C Drummond; E. Kaner; K. Kloda; A. Mierzecki; K Okulicz-Kozaryn; K. Parkinson; J. Reynolds; G Ronda; L. Segura; J Palacio; B Baena; L Slodownik; B van Steenkiste; A Wolstenholme; P Wallace; M. Keurhorst; Miranda Laurant; A. Gual
Pulling out all the stops: what motivates 65+ year olds with depressive symptoms to participate in an outreaching preference-led intervention programme?
I.M.J. van Beljouw; M Heerings; TA Abma; Miranda Laurant; PJ van't Veer-Tazelaar; VE Baur; ML Stek; H.W.J. van Marwijk; E. van Exel
Skill mix, roles and remuneration in the primary care workforce: Who are the healthcare professionals in the primary care teams across the world?
T Freund; C Everett; P Griffiths; C Hudon; L Naccarella; Miranda Laurant
Taakherschikking in de ouderenzorg
Marleen Lovink; A. Persoon; Miranda Laurant
10de Hanze Inkoopseminar
Walhof, Gert; van der Woude, Marius; Zantingh, Miranda