The development of the MIBBO
Melanie Kleynen; Susy Braun; Kim van Vijven; Erik van Rossum; Anna J. Beurskens
Light therapy in smart healthcare facilities for older adults: an overview
Joost van Hoof (Onderzoeker); Mariëlle Aarts; Adriana C. Westerlaken; Björn Schräder; Eveline J.M. Wouters (Lector); Harold T.G. Weffers; Myriam B.C. Aries
Working towards integrated community care for older people: empowering organisational features from a professional perspective
Bienke Janssen (Onderzoeker); Miranda Snoeren (Onderzoeker); Tine Van Regenmortel; T.A. Abma
Light therapy in smart healthcare facilities for older adults : an overview
Eveline Wouters; B. Schrader; A.C. Westerlaken; Mariëlle P.J. Aarts; Joost van Hoof (Docent); H.T.G. Weffers; Myriam Aries
Cost effectiveness of interpersonal community psychiatric treatment for people with long-term severe non-psychotic mental disorders: protocol of a multi-centre randomized controlled trial
Lisette Schoonhoven; Steven Teerenstra; Eddy Adang; Bauke Koekkoek; M. van Veen; Debby Postulart; Theo van Achterberg; N. Mulder
Foster care assessment: A study of the placement decision process in Flanders
Frank van Holen; Harm Damen; H.M. Pijnenburg; Johan Vanderfaeillie
Physician substitution by mid-level providers in primary healthcare for older people and long-term care facilities: protocol for a systematic literature review
Marleen Lovink; A. Persoon; Anneke van Vught; R.T.C.M. Koopmans; Lisette Schoonhoven; Miranda Laurant
Creating healthy nursing home environment via lighting interventions: a theoretical approach
Emelieke Huisman (Lid Lectoraat); Helianthe Kort (Lector)
Circular Business Models
Jan Kenter (Begeleider); Maurice van den Oever (Student); Sander Brinkman (Begeleider)
Dutch Midwives' Behavior and Determinants in Promoting Healthy Gestational Weight Gain, Phase 2: A Quantitative Approach
Astrid Merkx (Lid Lectoraat); Marlein Ausems (Lid Lectoraat); Luc Budé (Lid Lectoraat); Raymond de Vries (Lector); Marianne J. Nieuwenhuijze (Lector)