Zocht je misschien: ground?
Bewogen door emoties
I. Langerak (Student); S. Kleinlooh (Begeleider)
Workshop biographical research
Smilde, Rineke
Co-designing Services
Berit Godfroij (Lid Lectoraat); Remko van der Lugt (Lector); Fenne Verhoeven (Onderzoeker)
Scholing Onderzoeksvaardigheden Docenten Hanzehogeschool
Bisschop Boele, Evert
Circles of support and accountability
Stefan Bogaerts (Lid Lectoraat); Mechtild Höing (Lid Lectoraat); Bas Vogelvang (Lector)
What’s this thing called Love? Exploring the relationship between brand love, personality, and the propensity to anthropomorphize
Ronald Voorn (Lid Lectoraat)
Entrepreneurial Behaviour For Starting Professionals Of Generation Y : An Inductive Approach
Joop Vinke; Loredana Orhei; S. Nandram
The talent organization: a contextual analyses of universities in the Netherlands using a multi perspective approach
Dr. Ben Fruytier (Lector); Marian Thunnissen (Lid Lectoraat); Paul Boselie
Musicking in Groningen
Bisschop Boele, Evert (Arts Education)