Online marketing plan 'Kooyman Eigen Huis'
Julia J. Kooijman (Student); L.J. Harris (Begeleider)
State of Anti-Corruption and Integrity in the Netherlands
Hulten, M. (Michel) van (Lector)
'I can only learn in Dialogue!' : Exploring Professional Identities in teacher Education
drs Kara Vloet (Docent); dr Jacqueline van Swet (Lid Lectoraat)
The use of social network sites to reduce the number of drop-outs in the first year of ES4
Wietske C.M. Stevens (Student); E.C.J. Nieuweboer (Begeleider)
Under the European umbrella : European Union youth policies supporting European integration
Jenna R. Hietala (Student); W.J. Weijerman-Kerremans (Begeleider)
'The secret art of feeling good': onderzoek naar het welbevinden van hoogbegaafde kinderen
Maria van de Wiel (Begeleider); Esther van Esch (Student)
Cultural interventions and multi-disciplinary teams to enhance ‘feeling at home’ in ‘Krachtwijken’
Trienekens, Sandra; Dorresteijn, Willemien; Duyvendak, Jan Willem
Using multiple calibration indices in order to capture the complex picture of what affects students' accuracy of feeling of confidence
M. Boekaerts; J.S. Rozendaal
How can the city of Maastricht profile itself as an expatriate destination through city and marketing communication?
Yanday Keppel (Student); M.J. Hernandez (Begeleider)