Zocht je misschien: news?
Effect of Wii-intervention on balance of children with poor motor performance
Mombarg, Remo (Sports Science); Jelsma, Dorothee; Hartman, Esther
Moving towards community-based nature management
Schat, L. (Student); Vermeulen, D. (Student); Strijkstra, A.M.; Weterings, M.J.A.
Reproducibility and validity of patient-rated assessment of speech, swallowing, and saliva control in Parkinson’s Disease
Machiel Zwarts; Johanna Kalf; Bastiaan Bloem; George Borm; Marten Munneke; Bert de Swart
The development and validation of a five factor model of sources of self-efficacy in clinical nursing education
Prof. Dr. Rene Schalk; Dr. Wouter Reynaert (Lector); Dr. Johan Braeken; Drs. Henk Gloudemans (Docent)
How has the role of women changed in Tunisian society before, during and after the recent uprisings?
Desirée A. Bernhardt (Student); M. (Marjo) van den Haspel (Begeleider)
Role and effectiveness of NGOs in the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services
R. Rawal (Begeleider); Enitsa M. Gabrovska (Student)
The impact of organizational climate in schools on the transfer of post-initial master studies
Snoek, Marco; Boufoy-Bastick, Béatrice
Introduction of ramp-LOSA at KLM Ground Services
de Boer, R.J.; Koncak, B.; Habekotté, R.; van Hilten, G.J.
umc, radboud; Fleuren, Wilco W M; Verhoeven, Stefan; van den Beld, Sven; Alkema, Wynand (Data Science For Life Science & Health); de Vlieg, Jacob; Klomp, Jan P G
Thesis Rabobank North America
Ruud Kuijpers