Vitalizing voluntary sport clubs: a process consultation approach
Slender, Hans; Boven, Magda; Dijk, Bake; de Jong, Johan
Thinking about Honors as an experimental space
Zunderdorp, Kim; Otto, Inge; de Jong, Nelleke
(Wel)kom bij de club: inclusie van jongeren met een mentale handicap bij de sportvereniging
Roy Bloem (Student); Jaap Kleinpaste (Begeleider)
Adoption of OER by educators in Dutch public higher education
Robert Schuwer (Lector); Ben Janssen
Moonshot projects to support Dutch national policy on OER
Robert Schuwer (Lector); Martijn Ouwehand
Family-based HEPA approach in the school & sport club context
Shokoohi, Roya; de Jong, Johan (Healthy Lifestyle, Sports And Physical Activity); De Martelaer, Kristine
Group problem solving as a different participatory approach to Citizenship Education
Guerin, L (Laurence) (Lectoratemember)
MOOCs at Fontys University of Applied Sciences
F. de Vries (Stafmedewerker); Robert Schuwer (Lector)
Comparing MOOC adoption strategies in Europe
Darco Jansen; Robert Schuwer (Lector); Antonio Teixeira; Cengiz Hakan Aydin
OER and MOOCs in the Netherlands: current state of affairs
Robert Schuwer (Lector); Ben Janssen (Lid Lectoraat); Tom Langhorst (Lid Lectoraat)