Economic futures in the public sphere
Kviatek, Beata
Tracing the role of ideas in policy sectors: decision on ceasing gas exploration in the Netherlands
Kviatek, Beata
Job Openings Monitor update: focussing on Industry 4.0
van Lieshout, Harm
Training talents: the role of mobility programs in global markets
Bakker, Diederich; Kumpula, Joanna; Krylova, Olga
Academiseringscongres UWV regio Rijnmond
Beukema, Leni; Kuijpers, Ivo
Integrating Syrian refugee teachers into Swedish educational labour market
Catarina Economou (Onderzoeker); Maaike Hajer (Lector)
Vrouwen in Energie Noord-Nederland: de VIEN-jaardag
Tempelman, Daisy G.
Talent buitenspel
Oden, Petra; Tissing, Margreet; Kruit, Nel; Kanters, Anja; Dragtstra, Ingrid; Kruijshaar, Inge; Hoekstra, Myrthe